We've partnered with CCM to create a best-in-class experience for first-time players
We created the Rookie Year Equipment Program to help local minor hockey associations reduce the cost of joining hockey for the first time. Geared towards U7 youth players, we hope we can make hockey more accessible for families that are new to hockey.
Our Rookie Year Equipment Package features high quality youth CCM equipment to provide the best fit and protection. Each piece of equipment has been hand chosen by our experts to make learning to play easier…and most importantly, more FUN!
Custom fitting each piece of gear
It's more than just gear - it's a fitting experience that is designed to make first time players feel comfortable and excited about learning to play hockey.
We know how important customizing the fit of each piece of gear is. Maybe just as important, we understand that a lot of parents do not have a hockey background or might not know how to dress their kids in hockey gear properly.
Our fit experts understand that something as simple as teaching new players and parents how to put equipment on correctly will help start their hockey journeys on the right path.
Here's What We Provide
Head-to-Toe CCM Equipment Including:
Helmet/Cage Combo
Neck Guard
Shoulder Pads
Elbow Pads - hard cap elbow pads
Jock or Jill Short
Shin Pads
Hockey Bag
Knit Hockey Socks
Hockey Jersey with MHA logo
Additional gifts with fitting:
Personal Water Bottle
Hockey Tape
Skate Towel
Free sharpening coupon
Personalized Equipment Fitting and Education at The Hockey Shop
A personalized time slot will be available to booked to ensure each new to hockey player is professionally fit by one of our experts. Each piece of gear will be personally fit and adjusted to make sure it's performing properly when they hit the ice.
Player's skates will be heat fit and professionally sharpened.
Sticks will be cut to the correct length for each new player and taped by one of our experts.
Helmets and cages will be fit by an expert to make sure safety and comfort have been addressed before each player's first ice-time.
Minor Hockey Associations that we've proudly partnered with already
"The Coquitlam Minor Hockey Mini C program was a raving success, in no small part due to you and your staff. We currently have 54 kids enrolled which is double the enrolment we had the year before in H1. We would love to be able to plan for the same thing for the 2021-2022 season."
- Debra Harper, CMHA Administrative Director
Want to find out more?
Is your association looking to learn more about the Rookie Year Equipment Package? Email us at: teamsales@thehockeyshop.com